Feature on Creative – MillaMae
1// How did your business begin? When / where / how did it all start?
Almost exactly a year ago my partner Tracy approached me to join my creative side and her printing experience together with our love for beautiful things. We had a few brainstorms, some late nights, a few laughs combined with great synergy and a steady idea of where we were going and before we knew it MILLAMAE SWEET STATIONERY & PARTY THINGS came to life.
2// Why do you do what you do?
We want to share our love for colour, stationery and beautifully printed items!
3// When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?!
Can’t remember!
4// What inspires you when designing new products?
Fashion, colours, dreams, nature, ideas that just randomly pop into our heads are the best!
5// What are your hopes and dreams for your products?
We want to add our own splash of colour, fun and creativity into the world (Secretly dream of a beautifully MILLAMAE designed store, can see it clearly)
6// What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learnt so far in your business journey?
Hard work pays off
7// Why should our customers buy your products?
Why not?
8// What’s your favourite product from your line?
We have soft-spot for our cupcake wrappers, they were the first product we developed, otherwise hard to pick a favourite, we love them all!
9// About you? What’s your…
Top Song? Just like Heaven- The Cure
Top Food? Sushi
Top beverage? Wine
Top Place? My bed
Top movie? Amelie
10// And lastly imagine you are heading out for dinner with a bunch of creative geniuses – who would be sitting around the table with you?
Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Louis Vuitton, Jim Morrison, Annie Leibovitz, Sanrio